Our Vision
The core vision that drives us to offer our services is the belief we always promote, that maintaining ones Mental Health is equally important like maintaining ones physical health. Only a strong mind can beat the feelings of indecisiveness, confusion, low confidence, fearfulness while experiencing the ups and downs of life.
Nature provides us with basic health but beyond a point we have to take conscious effort to maintain our body and mind. Thus, we are dedicated to our client's Mental well-being and thereby improve their quality of life.
Who We Are?
We are a dedicated team of believers in the Science of Psychology who, with our respective areas of expertise, walk together with a vision to serve individuals and organizations who want to seek psychological solutions and lead a qualitative life.
Through our professional services we intend to heal by encouraging people to overcome any psychological issues that may be limiting their holistic growth.

How We Work?
Depending on needs of our client, we appoint a single counsellor or create a team which will then address to solve the psychological issue that needs to be sorted.
Once the client mentions his/her counselling or/and training need a Plan of Action is designed and executed accordingly, on a particular timeline, with proper follow ups.
Happy Clients
Happy Trainees
Happy Mentees
Successful Projects
CRS Activities

Why People Choose Us?
Since year 2006 We have been actively contributing to elevate the standards of Mental Health services in India and gradually have grown to contribute globally. Quality, sincerity & positive intentions are core values embedded in the nucleus of our professional commitments.

What is Cinema Therapy ?
Cinema therapy is the use of cinema or movies to manage medical, mental health, and life management. It has been used as a form of self-help and to aid in inmate rehabilitation. Watch this video to know more about CINEMA THERAPY from ms. Shraddha Sankulkar.
Regular feedback helps us grow professionally. Here are few testimonies from our clients, trainees & collaborators.
Earlier I was sceptical about the concept of psychological counselling via Phone, Email, Text messaging and via Skype video, but once Shraddha started conducting long distant sessions via Mind Matterz I am convinced that it’s the scientific information, along with complete trust on one’s counsellor which matters more than the medium.
R.K. Swamy, Age:45
U.S.AShraddha’s session has been of professional standards. The phone counselling sessions are equally effective as the ‘in person’ counselling
Nisha Joshi, Age:23
PuneShraddha was co-operative. She listened empathetically & carefully about my marital issues and spared a lot of time. She did counselling for me 2 times and twice with my husband. The joint session conducted gave me perspectives of how to go about in my relationship. I am very much satisfied the way she handled and explained.
Mrs. Advani, Age: 56
MumbaiI approached Shraddha for Health Psychology & Stress Management related solutions. It was very nice experience. I liked the way she brought out my thoughts. She covered all areas very tactfully.
Tina, Age:28
MumbaiDarkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that- Martin Luther King Jr
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